Saturday 20 October 2012

connecting the fashion puzzle..!

Puzzle?  Flashback?  Your childhood? When you had Barbie, Snow White, Aladdin and many other Disney characters in Puzzle game, where you tried to connect the different pieces to form the correct picture. Small and big pieces, different colours presented your favourite Disney Characters. Now you wonder what is the connection of puzzle with the fashion...
And yes, there is a connection between them !!! We resemble the clothes, shoes and accessories with the puzzle pieces where if there is not a correct connection between the puzzle pieces, then we do not have the real image. We have something shapeless with no sense of aesthetics and the result is not satisfactory. It is the same with fashion items: if we do not have the sense to match harmonically and in good taste, the result is a disaster with no prospect of good comments and self-satisfaction. 

So, FASHION is like PUZZLE. We have to know the right clue to connect and match the pieces in order to have a FABULOUS, SPECTACULAR, IMPRESSIVE AND MAGIC appearance.  Creating a unique style only for you, according your preferences.

Let’s start connect the puzzle of Fashion!!!!


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